Featuring Dr. Ana Rodriguez
Photo by Dr. Ana Rodriguez
What is your name? Ana Rodriguez
How old are you? 31 years old.
Where are you from? I am from Baltimore, Maryland but I am currently living in Chicago, IL
In a few sentences, tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do: I am a naturopathic doctor and licensed acupuncturist. I am currently the resident at Brannick Clinic of Natural Medicine. My interests are women’s health, gastroenterology, and pain management. My favorite modalities are visceral manipulation and craniosacral therapy.
What are you currently doing for hair health and care? To be honest, I do not do much. I wash my hair every other day using Avalon Organics shampoo and conditioner and let my hair air dry as much as possible. I rarely blow dry or straighten my hair--these are reserved for special occasions.
Are you using natural hair products? Once a week (or every other week) I will oil my hair with Banyan Botanicals organic oil. I really like this oil because it leaves my hair feeling smooth and it has also helped to restore some hair growth.
What works well for you and what doesn’t? I think less is more when it comes to hair health (and overall health). For me, it has been important to find a few things that work really well and stick with them. As far as products go, I stick to clean, chemical free products. I also only use a comb instead of a brush. Brushing seemed to make my hair more frizzy.
What do you like about your hair and what has taken time to accept about your hair? I like the natural wave that my hair has (even when it has a mind of its own). I also like my natural highlights. Over time, I have had to accept that my hair has gotten thinner (especially with med school stress). It’s making a comeback but it took a long time to accept that my hair is thinner and a different texture than it used to be.
What are some helpful tips that you can share with other readers? In my opinion, skin and hair health are a direct reflection of what is going on inside of your body. For me personally, I realized that working on my adrenals and my gut, and increasing healthy fats (in the form of cod liver oil) was extremely beneficial for hair regrowth. Another important factor for me was managing stress and finding time to practice self-care daily. This being said, if you are struggling with hair changes, find an ND near you who will work with you to identify the root cause of your hair changes and who will prescribe a treatment plan that is unique to your healthcare needs.
Contact information: If you are in the Chicago area and need an ND/acupuncturist, find me at brannickclinic.com to set up an appointment!