Featuring Dr. Evangelynn Honegger
Photo provided by Dr. Evangelynn Honegger
What is your name? Evangelynn Honegger
How old are you? 34 years old
Where are you from? Adopted from Seoul, South Korea but raised as a PNW girl in WA state.
What is your background? I earned my Bachelors of Science in Nutrition, and double majored in Acupuncture & Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University. I completed a residency program focused on pediatrics working and collaborating among integrative health specialists, midwives, nutritionists, speech language pathologists, a psych ARNP and a team of amazing providers.
In a few sentences, tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do: I'm blessed with a wonderful significant other and pre-teen and newly adopted pup as well as the youngest of 5 girls growing up. I am an integrative primary care physician specializing in naturopathic medicine and acupuncture with emphasis on family medicine, pediatrics, women's health, sports rehabilitation, and functional medicine. I am coming up on my private practice anniversary of 1 year in June 2020! Opening a private practice, TRUEcare Integrative Medicine, continues to be an amazing journey and I love seeing where it will take me. Aside from work, I love getting out into the mountains and the beautiful playground we have right in our backyard of the PNW. You'll often find me backpacking, trail running, and climbing in the heart of the North Cascades as my fave exploration area.
What are you currently doing for hair health and care? Full disclosure? Less is more. Nourishing our bodies from the inside will always show on the outside in hair, skin, and nails. I go for easy maintenance and simple. My go-to is eating a whole foods diet with plenty of colorful foods, antioxidants, quality and sustainable proteins, healthy fats, I probably drink water like it's my job, and exercise to maintain healthy circulation. Balancing stress is vital as your body perceives stress as stress no matter what the source (blood sugar regulation and skipping meals, lacking good nutrition, poor sleep, overworking). So keeping a balance is key to not be sending depletion signals to the body where hair and skin health are the last places nutrient resources go. You want to be sending nourishing signals to your body! Again, for me and what I tell my patients, revisiting your lifestyle and what you’re putting into your body is key for hair conditions as well as checking on baseline.
My hair care is pretty simple. I try and avoid washing my hair daily. I was always a wash your hair every day kid and so for me I had to learn patience with how oily or dry my hair would get as I transitioned to this 3x a week routine. But I found my hair quickly adjusted to the less frequent shampoos! I also use zero to minimal product but feel pretty lucky to have stick straight hair that I don't have to do much with. I try and avoid heat like curling iron or blow dryer and simply let my hair air dry. If I have to use a hair dryer I use one that has infrared technology, my hair stylist says it's less damaging, and also dries hair faster. And I have a lot of hair!
On the other hand if I want wavy hair, I will do the trick of braiding or twisting up my hair in buns at the nape of my neck overnight, spritz with salt water and then have soft waves that stay for maybe 12 hours. Always end with cold! This doesn't have to be as extreme as taking ice baths but every shower and rinse I end with cool water. Hydrotherapy is a key part to help my lymphatic, immune, and circulatory system. So right before hopping out of the shower I rinse my hair with (as-cold-as-you-can-stand-it-water)! If you submerge your body you'll get even better systemic and immune boosting benefits! But for my hair at least 30 seconds or longer. This helps vasoconstrict the hair follicle to help retain moisture. I have noticed shinier and softer hair that appears more hydrated since starting this routine a few years back.
My more pampering self care routine is when I use a scalp mask to help deep condition my scalp with plain 'ole coconut oil. If I'm feeling fancy, I'll put 1-2 drops of my favorite essential oils and then wrap it up and let it sit overnight while I sleep with a towel over my pillow. I probably do that 2x a month. I've received scalp acupuncture which is surprisingly super relaxing just like any acupuncture treatment to help stimulate blood flow to some areas where I had been experiencing thinning hair due to stress and iron deficiency. That was amazing to see it stimulate new hair growth.
Are you using any natural hair products (if yes, what are they and what do you like or not like about them)? Healthy and non toxic living is a biggie for my family and I. What I used to think was healthy and clean I soon found out was not! It's a continual journey and learning about amazing products and resources such as the EWGSkin Deep App, Think Dirty app which both help you analyze the safety of your products in your house, what you put on your body etc. Lately I've been using Acure brand. Dr. Hauschka also makes some great hair strengthening products.
What works well for you and what doesn’t? Styling my hair right after I shower helps my hair have the au naturale look after patting it down with microfiber towel and brushing with a bamboo bristle brush.
What do you like about your hair and what has taken some time for you to accept about your hair? Mainly that it is stick straight and I can't do much to change that! ( : I've grown to love how boring my hair is in the styling department and have embraced that!
Please share something different, interesting, or funny about yourself: My childhood best friend had the most beautiful, thick, long curls, and I would always ask her mom if she could perm my hair so that I could have hair just like my best friend! Thankfully she never took me up on my request! I also co founded a puppy rescue 18 years ago.
Photo provided by Dr. Evangelynn Honegger
Photo provided by Dr. Evangelynn Honegger
What are some helpful tips you can share with other readers? Like health journeys, everyone's haircare will be unique. It's important to find what works best for you. But sticking with nourishing your locks with all healthy foundations: sleep, movement, choosing your best stress management (for me, my heart medicine is getting out to the mountains!), nutrition, and less is more approach seems vital to optimal hair care.
If you would like to link information about yourself and how to contact you please list your website for other readers to look at:
Website: www.truecareintegrative.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/truecareintegrative/?modal=admin_todo_tour
IG: @dr.evangelynnh