Featuring Dr. Kimani Borland
What is your name? Dr. Kimani Borland
How old are you? 32 yo
Where are you from? Kingston, Jamaica
What is your background? I was born and raised in Jamaica but also lived in Tanzania before moving to the US for college. Now I'm back home!
In a few sentences, tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do. I'm a Naturopathic Doctor and Yoga Teacher currently living and working in Jamaica. Professionally, I spend most of my time doing in-person on online Naturopathic consultations, hosting herbal medicine making workshops, as well as offering special yoga classes and events. I'm also a wife and a mother of two boys and they ensure my life stays very full!
What are you currently doing for hair health and care? Not very much! I had dreads since I was 9 years old and our hair care routine at home was pretty basic: wash your hair every 1-2 weeks, then oil and re-twist the roots right after washing. That routine has pretty much stayed the same up until now! Occasionally I'll braid my dreads together so that when you unbraid then they hold the shape and look curly, like what you see here in this picture! Once you wash it again they straighten right back out.
Are you using any natural hair products (if yes, what are they and what do you like or not like about them)? I currently use a product called Botanicals Hair and Scalp Balm by Alikay Naturals and love it. Every couple of months I'll try another product, but they all tend to have a shea butter and/or coconut oil base with different natural oils, herbs and scents added.
What works well for you and what doesn’t? I find that hair gels aren't great. Neither are hair creams or even waxes. Dreads are funny -- they will hold on to everything. So you have to use products that are light-weight and colorless. Thin, liquid oils aren't great either though, because they don't really penetrate well.
What do you like about your hair and what has taken some time for you to accept about your hair? I love how my hair naturally has different shades and is really long and thick. BUT these are also things that are very challenging! I often get neck and shoulder pains because of how heavy it is, and it can be a real pain in the butt when my hair gets wet! I do crave change every now and then, but my hair holds such a powerful story that it is a very difficult thing to let go of!
What are some helpful tips you can share with other readers? From my personal hair journey... Keep things simple and natural: the ingredient list on your products AND how your hair represents you. Being yourself - just as you are on a given day and in one given moment - is the most beautifully perfect thing you can ever be.
Please share something different, interesting, or funny about yourself. I have 5 siblings and we kinda all look like twins and our hair looks the same and all our names start with K! Needless to say people always mix us up :)
If you would like to link information about yourself and how to contact you please list your website for other readers to look at. www.wellnesswithdrk.com