Featuring Dr. Saru Bala
What is your name? Dr. Saru Bala
How old are you? 28
Where are you from? Austin, Texas originally, but now living in Scottsdale, AZ.
What is your background? I have been a forever student in the healthcare field and am excited to finally be part of the working world of this field.
In a few sentences, tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do. I am a naturopathic doctor specializing in women's health and pediatrics. I work with women to help with their hormonal health, as the conventional world does not have the best tools for this. And I work with kids to make sure they stay healthy long term.
What are you currently doing for hair health and care? Taking multivitamins, making natural hair masks (avocado, honey, coconut oil, eggs, etc), eating lots of veggies, and collagen protein powder.
Are you using any natural hair products (if yes, what are they and what do you like or not like about them)? My shampoo isn't 100% natural, I use Alba botanicals. It's free of the main things you don't want in your beauty products. But since I don't wash my hair too often, I haven't ventured into the completely natural shampoo world. I also do hair masks and one that I find works great is egg + almond/olive oil. I mix them together and apply it to my hair 30-60 minutes before I shower and wash it out.
What works well for you and what doesn’t? Hair masks work great. Supplements and eating healthy also help a LOT. Addressing skin, hair, and nails from the inside out has been the most effective route.
What do you like about your hair and what has taken some time for you to accept about your hair? I have very low maintence hair. No matter what I do with it, I can usually be happy with how it looks. The color dimensions. Since it's all black, it feels like it doesn't have as many dimensions and highlights as people with lighter hair might have, but as I've gotten older I've learned to love my dark mane!
What are some helpful tips you can share with other readers? Outer beauty starts from the inside (literally). Your skin and hair are a reflection of what your body is doing on the inside. Neglecting to eat healthy and doing hair masks and buying shampoos will help a little, but addressing deficiencies underneath is what really makes a difference.
Please share something different, interesting, or funny about yourself. I did kung fu for years growing up and earned a black belt. But have sadly not kept up with it as much as I would have liked!
If you would like to link information about yourself and how to contact you please list your website for other readers to look at.