Featuring Rachel Martiny
Photo by Rachel Martiny
What is your name? Rachel Martiny
How old are you? 24
Where are you from? Washington State, USA.
What is your background? I am currently attending the University of WA to obtain my degree in Elementary Education, then plan to get my master’s to become a Counselor. In the future, I plan to work internationally, developing communities in third world countries, and low-income areas in the US.
In a few sentences, tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do: I love the outdoors and being active! I grew up doing a lot of outdoor activities such as white-water rafting, snowboarding, hiking and water sports. I also love to dance!
What are you currently doing for hair health and care? Naturally, my hair is thick, curly and poofy. I always had a struggle with my curly hair because I never knew how to take care of it. One thing I learned was to not wash my hair too often. Probably about every 4-5 days. I reduced the amount of heat I use on my hair to very minimal, only straightening occasionally. I also try to lead a healthy lifestyle, eating good (lots of home-made smoothies, natural fats and proteins, fresh veggies), exercising regularly, taking natural supplements, getting plenty of sleep, and drinking water!
Are you using any natural hair products (if yes, what are they and what do you life about them)? I am not currently using natural products daily, but I like to do hair masks regularly that I make out of natural oils.
What works well for you and what doesn’t? I have found that brushing my hair when I am conditioning in the shower is the best time to do so. Brushing when my hair is dry only results in making my hair frizzy. Also using a microfiber towel instead of a regular towel minimizes frizz. One big thing I learned is that curly hair girls need products! I never liked how my hair looked curly until I started using gels, moose and leave in conditioners.
What do you like about your hair and what has taken some time for you to accept about your hair? I grew up around a lot of girls who had silky straight hair and mine was never like that. It was hard for me to embrace the volume and curls, but now that I know how to style it, I would never want my hair to be different!
What are some helpful tips you can share with other readers? Work with what you got! Using heat and doing so many unnatural things to your hair will only damage your hair in the long run. Trim your hair regularly and live a healthy lifestyle.
Please share something different, interesting, or funny about yourself: My mom and sisters always believed that cutting your hair on the full moon would help it grow longer and healthier so my entire life, my mom would trim our hair on the full moon. Even to this day I try to set up my hair appointments according to the moon schedule.