Featuring Susan Collins
Photo by Susan Collins
Name: Susan Collins
I have had many different lives as a professional with education being a focus of my work. My background is in child psychology and professional softskills training, which is proving to be helpful as I take care of my 4 year old grandson and 87 year old father.
My passion was to influence and set an positive example for people to be healthy physically and mentally. I've had a lot of fun creating opportunities for myself and others to be happy and successful, most of the time.
I had an online radio show with a focus on astrology (professional interest) interviewing successful, writers, speakers and business owners.
This focus morphed and changed as I worked for various health care organizations in Seattle as a Career Services Director for a Medical College and Manager of Continuing Education at Naturopathic University in Seattle.
There I created the "Food as Medicine" symposium, 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training program and Ayurveda Health Advisor Online Program. I was my own best customer as I participated in the 'Medical Qigong" program to level 2 and other seminars.
I call myself fortunate to be able to have worked with so many super intelligent, caring, Nurses, MD'S and natural health professionals from around the world.
I've been lucky genetically to have been born with hair and a lot of it (on my head).
7 years ago I noticed significant hair thinning from working in high stress jobs. Wearing my hair in a pony tail daily, poor diet (protein deficient), dieting, thyroid issues, hormonal challenges and aging added to the loss, and you don’t get that hair back.
So here what I've tried with good results ie; stopping hair loss:
Cut my long hair
Washing my hair twice a week
Not using heat and heat styling products
Scalp massage and scalp rejuvenation with vinegar rinse twice a week
Eating more animal protein (8 grams per day)
Diet is Mediterranean
MORE sleep
Yoga (inversions are great to get the blood to the brain/scalp)
Minimize Stress / inflammation of any kind
Practice Medical Qigong daily
Using "Red light" therapy - good for skin and hair
Upping supplements of Vitamin D3, Biotin
What I do for fun: Travel, teach yoga, kayak, hike, read